The Long-term Vision

Our ultimate goal is to pioneer and promote a new style or “flavor” of science, a way of doing science that is something like the “evil” twin or alter ego of our current ethos, the yin to its yang. If the science we have now tends towards conservatism, then the our flavor will favor risk-taking and speculation. If the science we have now almost completely ignores aesthetics and values only clarity and concision in its expression, then our style will have style and our scientists will aspire to beauty as well as truth. If today's scientists are self-serious and strive for objectivity above all else, then ours will acknowledge their subjectivity and infuse their work with humor, emotion, and personality. We do not wish to supplant or eclipse the science of today; rather we would like to birth it an annoying younger sibling who occasionally has something novel or interesting to say (only as admitted belatedly and begrudgingly by the older sibling of course).

Launching such a movement will require more than virtual organization. Long-term, we envision an informal set of events, conferences, and communities arising not from the top-down but the bottom-up, a grassroots effort blossoming from the inspiration, passion, and loving care of all who tend the scientific garden.